Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (2024)

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Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (1)

I grow lots of ginger. I sell some to local markets and give some away, but I always have so much left. This year I decided to make a Ginger Chews Recipe with all my leftovers.

Benefits of Ginger Candy Chews

I work at a coffee shop at a college, where I frequently see kids come in with upset stomachs. Whether it’s from midterms, homesickness, or sharing germs, they come to me for Ginger Brew or Ginger Chews, because one of the main benefits of ginger candy is to ease stomach troubles.

Ginger Chews are a soft, chewy candy made from ginger, sugar, and tapioca flour. I prefer to use a natural sweetener and a starch that’s easier to find than tapioca flour.

Ginger Chews Recipe

Naturally-SweetenedGinger Chews Recipe

(makes about 50-60small chews)

Ingredients & Supplies

*Depending on what sugar substitute you use, you may need to tweak the amounts of the other ingredients.


1. In a medium pan, simmer the ginger and water for about 30-45 minutes. Look for the liquid to be reduced by half. Strain the ginger and reserve 1 cup of the liquid.

2. Return the liquid to the pan and add the coconut sugar and honey. Simmer on low heat until it begins to bubble, stirring frequently. Check the temperature with the candy thermometer.

3. When the temperature reaches 250°F, fill a clear glass with very cold water. Spoon out half a teaspoon of the liquid and drop into the water. It should form a soft ball. Take it out and feel it to be sure it’s the consistency you want. Cook a little longer if necessary.

4. While the mixture is cooking, grease the cake pan with coconut oil or another oil of your choice. (I’ve tried to use metal cake pans, but the candy always sticks to them even when greased. I only use glass now.)

5. Once the mixture is at the right temperature and consistency, turn off the heat and pour into the cake pan. Cover with a piece of parchment paper. Allow it to cool a bit, then place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

6. Once the candies are cool, remove them from the refrigerator and score the top. You can make them any size you want, but I stick with bite-size (about ½-inch squared).

7. Spread another sheet of parchment paper on the counter and dust the top liberally with the starch. Remove the candy from the pan and place on top of the dusted parchment paper. Dust the entire surface of the candy with the starch to keep the knife or scissors from sticking. (I use kitchen shears to cut the candy into bite size pieces, but a knife works too.) Roll the candy in the flour after you cut it. Wrap in waxed paper and store in an airtight container.

This ginger chews recipe should be shelf stable for 4-6 weeks, although mine never last that long!

Ginger Chews Recipe Variations

You can add different things to the candies for different tastes. Here are a few ideas:

  • Extra grated fresh ginger for a kick
  • Add cinnamon powder to the liquid for a different flavor
  • Cayenne powder for an extra kick
  • Turmeric powder as an anti-inflammatory aid
  • Vanilla to tone down the flavor
  • Mint extract for a cooling effect (or mint leaves in the liquid with the chopped ginger)

Don’t have time to DIY?

Do you want all the benefits of ginger candy, but don’t have time to make your own? You can purchase several different kinds at health food stores, or find a good brand online here.

Have you tried ginger chews? They’re so easy to make!


Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (2)

About Debra Maslowski

Debra is a master gardener, a certified herbalist, a natural living instructor, and more. She taught Matt and Betsy how to make soap so they decided to bring her on as a staff writer! Debra recently started an organic herb farm in the mountains of Western North Carolina. You can even purchase her handmade products on Amazon!

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  1. Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (6)bren says

    Thank you for the recipe. I will definitely make these. I buy them all the time.

    • Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (7)Debra Maslowski says

      Thanks Bren! I’m hoping to make enough to start selling once I can get into a commercial kitchen. For now, I can save money since I buy them all the time too.

  2. Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (8)karen says

    Thank you. I used to buy gin-gins in small stores in Vancouver and carry around for tummy troubles. ginger is very very cheap here and i will try making these. Thanks again. Oh and I am also starting to grow my own!

    • Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (9)Debra Maslowski says

      Isn’t ginger fun to grow, Karen? I’m afraid it’s going to take over the yard, so I keep mine in pots. It’s so easy and when it flowers, it’s so well worth it!

  3. Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (10)McDonna says

    This recipe looks doable and delicious. Ginger chews are definitely one of my very favorite treats. They’re especially useful for the frequent stomach issues I tend to battle!

    Question: Can you recommend a sugar free option for this recipe?

    Sugar is not my friend, even organic sugars of any kind. Neither is starch, but it seems that the amount in the dusting might be negligible.

    Thank you for such a great recipe.

    • Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (11)Debra Maslowski says

      Hi McDonna! I really can’t since sugar is what makes up the main structure of the chew. I haven’t tried stevia blends, since stevia is so much lighter in weight. I’ll try a few options and get back to you if any of them work.

Benefits of Ginger Candy and A Ginger Chews Recipe (2024)
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