How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (2024)

Make Your Own


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Have some extra orange peels and don’t want to make them go to waste? Make your own dried orange peel for recipes, cleaning, and teas!

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (1)

Dried Orange Peel

I recently bought a large bulk amount of oranges as I promised my youngest son that we would make orange juice if I found a good sale. Not long after I told him that, I found a great deal on some no-spray oranges! I’ve really gotten into herbal teas lately and I’ve been needing some dried orange peel for the blend that I enjoy. But did you know it’s $18 a pound?? A little out of my budget. Luckily, it’s super easy to make your own!

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (2)

Be sure and wash your oranges well. You will want to use no-spray, no wax oranges to make dried orange peels.

When you decide you want to make dried orange peel, don’t forget about the best part of the orange, the inside! I used my simple little Juiceman Citrus Juicer to juice all of my oranges first. I use this simple method for Preserving Orange Juice or I place in jars and freeze.

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (3)

Once you’ve juiced your oranges, you should have plenty of peels left! If you’ve decided not to juice your oranges and are just using those that you are eating, just be sure and save the peels.

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (4)

Once you’ve juiced your oranges, dig your finger under the leftover pulp and begin to peel the leftovers out of the inside. If you get your finger in just the right place, the insides will come right out.

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (5)

Dice up your orange peel. I plan on using mine for tea so I just need it to fit in my tea infuser ball. You will want to cut your peel in the size that you need. I use my Rada Cutleryfor everything in my kitchen! 🙂

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (6)

Spread the orange peels out on the dehydrator and dry for at least 5-8 hours or until completely dry.

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (7)

Store the dried orange peels in an air-tight container. I like to use half gallon size glass jars for storing teas and things like this.

Uses for Dried Orange Peel

Since this orange peel contains the pith it will have a hint of bitterness and might not be the best for use in certain recipes where you are looking for the sweet orange taste. To get that flavor, you will want to peel your oranges with a veggie peeler so that you don’t have as much “white stuff”.

You can dry this orange peel in the oven if you don’t have a dehydrator. Just place in the oven at the lowest temp it will go (preferably around 150 degrees) and keep a close eye on it until dried.

If you don’t want to dry orange peel, you can use it as a wonderful cleaner. Just place the cleaned peels into a jar of vinegar and let it sit in the cupboard for a few weeks. After that, remove the peels and mix with water to create your cleaner.

You can use your dried orange peel to make an easy body scrub. Just pulse it a few times in the blender (some pieces are ok) and mix with a bit of coconut oil (or your favorite oil) and some scrub until a nice scrub comes together.

You can also make some tasty infusions if you love cooking with orange flavor. Drop some dried orange peels into vinegar or oil and let the mixture sit for several weeks until flavorful.

Making a refreshing bath salt is easy with the dried orange peel. Just pulse in the blender to finer pieces and mix with epsom salts in a 4:1 ratio (ie: 1 cup of epsom salt to 1/4 cup orange peel).

And of course, who can forget about potpourri? Blend your oranges with other dried items and sprinkle with a few drops of sweet orange essential oil to boost the scent. Beautiful and practical!

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (8)

Tea Made with Orange Peel

I love herbal teas! I especially love when I can make my own blends. You can try adding dried orange peel to a variety of blends but this simple one is my favorite.

Fruity Tea Blend

Blend the ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl and store in a glass pint jar. Place about a teaspoon of the mixture into a tea infuser and steep in hot water for about 4 minutes.

This tea is high in vitamin C and has a deliciously tangy, fruity flavor. Perfect for mid-morning or a mid-afternoon pick me up!

Have you ever dried orange peels? What do you use them for?

How to Make Dried Orange Peel (and a Tea Recipe) (2024)


How to dry orange peel for teas? ›

Speed method: If you are short on time, you can also dry them in a 200 F oven. Spread them on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet and dry in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes. If the peel starts to brown, turn off the oven for a few minutes, and rotate the pan. The peels will curl up and turn stiff when they're dry.

What is dried orange peel tea good for? ›

Orange peel tea is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties that can strengthen the immune system and help to prevent diseases like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and the flu. Orange peel tea is also a great weight loss option, as it has excellent amounts of potassium.

How to make dried orange slices for tea? ›

- To bake: Arrange on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake at 200 degrees F for several hours until dry, flipping every 30 minutes to prevent edges from curling. It should take anywhere from 3-5 hours. - To dehydrate: Set your dehydrator to 130 degrees for about 12-14 hours, flipping every hour or so.

How to make orange peel tea for weight loss? ›

Choose a shiny orange with a thin peel, and slice the peels.
  1. Boil water. Add orange peels and spices. ...
  2. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes until the color of the water changes. Then remove from heat.
  3. Cover and let the tea steep for 2 minutes. Then add orange juice.
  4. Add honey or any other sweetener. ...
  5. Strain, and serve.
Nov 24, 2022

Is it safe to drink orange peel tea? ›

Orange is a common winter fruit and is packed with the benefits of vitamin C. But the peel which we throw away generously are also packed with nutrients and are extremely healthy. Drinking orange peel tea is one of the easiest ways to boost your immunity.

Can you boil orange peels and drink it? ›

To make orange peel tea, just combine fresh or dried orange peels and water in a pot with a lid, bring to a boil, and then remove from the heat. Allow the orange peels to steep for an hour or more before straining and discarding the used peels,” she said, sharing another method of making this tea.

Can I drink orange peel tea every day? ›

Vitamin C is known for its ability to fight off infections and support overall immune function. By incorporating orange peel tea into your daily routine, you can fortify your body's defenses against common summer ailments such as colds, flu, and allergies.

Can I boil orange peels for my face? ›

Can boiled orange peel be used on the skin? A. Yes, but it shouldn't be overboiled. The anecdotal evidence suggests that orange peels' antibacterial, antifungal & anti-inflammatory properties help clear the skin, prevent acne and make you look flawless.

What can boiling orange peels do? ›

Orange peels make a home smell cozy and clean. You can boil orange peels with mulling spices like cinnamon and cloves to send a fresh autumnal aroma through the air. Boiling orange peels with lemon and grapefruit peels create a fresh, vibrant, and energizing aroma that makes your house smell clean and pristine.

How long will dried oranges last? ›

If you dry and store your oranges properly, the slices should be good for at least two years, and often much longer and they'll be ready for Christmas porch decor ideas and Christmas patio ideas. To store, place them in a completely dry airtight container until the next holiday season.

Can you use dried oranges for tea? ›

15 Uses for Dried Orange Slices

1) Garnish a drink—from co*cktails, to mocktails to hot or iced tea. 2) Garnish a ham. 3) Add to potpourri or use in a simmer pot for fragrance. 4) Use as a pretty cake or cupcake decoration.

Does boiling orange peel destroy vitamin C? ›

Yes, Vitamin C is sensitive to heat and oxygen so leaving the peels out to dry will deplete the vitamin C content, cooking them in water as in boiling, steaming or baking will also destroy the vitamin content.

Is orange peel a laxative? ›

“Wait 5–10 minutes and the rest is history!” Ugarte-Cameron explained. She claims the immediate bowel movement associated with her snack is because orange peels contain naringenin, a flavonoid with a laxative effect. The cayenne pepper and cinnamon aren't just for flavor, either.

Is orange good for losing belly fat? ›

Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, which has been shown to help boost metabolism and reduce belly fat. They are also a good source of fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied after eating.

How do you preserve orange peels for drinks? ›

You can store citrus peels in the freezer for later use in co*cktails. When thawed, the peels are not crisp and may not spray zest atop co*cktails as they do when they're fresh, but their oils are still present (and release easily).

How do you dry orange zest quickly? ›

Because zest occupies such a small amount of space, a toaster will suffice to dehydrate it. Whatever oven you use, set its temperature very low, around 170°F. Break the zest clumps up with a fork every 15 minutes and dehydrate for about 45 minutes total or until the zest has dried out.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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