Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (2024)

    • SPT-AKI 3.8.0
  • ChooChoo
  • Apr 5th 2024

Adds a new checkbox to the weapon preset builder to show only items available at current traders. Shows trader prices on icons while modding. Highlights mods attached to other guns or ready to use. Shows mods on PMC / in rigs etc.

If you have version 1.0.0 installed,

before installing the latest version, remove:
Wara-TraderModding.dll in BepInEx/plugins
Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0 folder
in user/mods


Adds a new checkbox in the weapon preset screen to only show trader items, and your own items ofc. Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (3)

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (4)

Shows item prices from current Traders

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (5)

Highlights parts (Colors customizable in F12):

  • Directly usable (Loose in stash)
  • Already present in the current gun build
  • Attached to other guns (But purchasable from traders)
  • Attached to other guns (NOT purchasable)

Colored borders while modding:

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (6)

Shows items on PMC, as well as in Rigs etc.

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (7)

Everything is configurable in the F12 menu:

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (8)

There is also the option to invert the Trader only view to show NO items from traders instead (Essentially flea and own items only):

Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (9)

If you have any issues, let me know Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (10)
I tested everything thoroughly, without crashes and issues, but you never know Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (11)

Credit to wara for the awesome original modas well as the server mod to receive trader offers (Which I am still using)

  • quality of life
  • qol
  • client
  • Modding
  • weapon presets
  • Weapon Build
  • weapon crafting
  • weapon modification


  • Version 1.4.0

    • ChooChoo
    • Trader Price tags on items Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (15)
    • New color for items already attached to current weapon Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (16)
    • More organized options window

    Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (17) Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (18)


    • Version 1.3.2

      • ChooChoo
      • Seperate color for attached items that are NOT buyable from traders
      • Colored Borders for better clarity while modding

      Directly usable (Loose in stash)

      Attached to other guns (But purchasable from traders)

      Attached to other guns (NOT purchasable)

      • Reverted hierachical flagging of attached mods

      After many, many hours I couldn't figure out how BSG determines if a mod can be detached or not, seems a bit random and using the apparent same code they use for the check didn't work, so it iiiis what it iiiiis Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (21)
      For now it works fine I guess, yellow / orange items might still be directly usable, even though I show them attached, but you get the idea.

      Colored borders and new color for attached, but non purchasable items:
      Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (22)

      As usual everything configurable to your liking Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (23)
      Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (24)


      • Version 1.3.1

        • ChooChoo
        • Properly highlight usable/attached items by going through mod hierarchy
          (Might result in false positives, f.e. foregrip might show as usable, but is attached to a mount rail somewhere in your stash, In some cases it lets you build with those items, in some not. Maybe I'll check this again in the future, I think it's fine for now.)
        • New option to show NO trader items instead
        • New options for highlight color in
        • Changing options in F12 directly updates mod view

        You can now go wild with the colors! Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (26)
        New F12 menu options:
        Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (27)

        Also show NO items from traders if you want

        Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (28)


        • Version 1.3.0

          • ChooChoo

          Now also highlights items that are directly usable in green.

          If you notice any issues, I'll look into that later. Implemented this real quick, and gotta go now. Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (30)

          Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (31)

          Optimized the code a bit. (Lets hope I didn't break sh*t, didn't notice anything though)


          • Version 1.2.0

            • ChooChoo

            If you have version 1.0.0 installed:
            Before installing my new 1.2.0. version, remove:
            Wara-TraderModding.dll in BepInEx/plugins
            Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0 folder in user/mods

            Rewrite of the whole client mod

            New features:

            • integration into modding screen as new checkbox
            • overlay for already attached mods on other weapons
            • better logic and persistent state when closing/reopening the window
            • No longer requires dependency to custom interactions


            • Version 1.0.0

              • ChooChoo
              • RAINTARD

                thats f*ckin' brilliant, definitely going to be using this. cheers!


              • Agoelia

                Bro wtf, you keep adding so many features that are awesome and i'd never even thought would be cool. Literally solving player's problem before we even realise we have 'em. Straight up Factorio-tier developing.


                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Ah stahp, thank you Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (40)

                  Only implementing what I feel is missing. And BSGs logic of the preset screen is also not perfect, trying to work around that.

                  Next up: probably show the estimated price of all combined parts while modding Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (41)

              • Artur90il

                I have poor eyesight, so I had trouble looking at the small icons. Thank you

              • SPT enjoyer

                Amazing mode thank you !!! Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (44)

              • Oddie

                f*cking amazing. Live needs this so f*ckin bad. I was speaking to a mate recently and said how much Tarkov needed this hahaha

              • SlaveToTheGames

                If it is not already possible (Sorry if it is) but is there a way to STOP flea market purchasing for presets and weapon building/etc from a BepInEx so it only pulls from Trader, stash, or other weapons?

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Um, that's exactly what this mod does? Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (48)

              • HeavyComponent

                Bruh this mod right here! This helps so much! Thank you!


                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Glad you like it Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (52)
                  Currently thinking about displaying the price of the mods on the icons as well, could be useful to gauge the price of items / a build.


              • Crimrrrreee

                are you going to add a Weapon Stats Mod? Like Wara mod

              • AHamSan

                Do Custom Traders work with this? I note the config is the same as the wara version so I assume not? I had errors with that.

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Try adding the trader ids to the config. Haven't tested this, should work in theory.

                • AHamSan

                  I have Saria Shop and Lotus. I put in "SariaShop" in the config file and that works nicely as the items appear in the edit preset menu as you intended.

                  Then, I do "Lotus" (which are the ids from the package.json file) but they gives me an error as i clicked Edit preset option on a gun in my stash. So I believe the error is with the Lotus mod in some way. Least one works Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (58)

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Just looked into the source of lotus, try id: lotus with no capital L.


                • AHamSan

                  Thank you, yes this fixes it. Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (62) case sensitive


              • archon0ne

                Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (65)
                now that's what my modlist needed!


              • Maddog Matt

                Fantastic! I have wanted this in Tarkov for a long time. Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (68)


              • Midnight88

                Hopeful Suggestion!! Possibly add an option in the BepInEx menu to ignore Traders

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Done, will upload a new release soon anyway. Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (72)


                • Midnight88

                  Your the Best!!!


              • vexio2


              • Claus1978

                great mod, is there any chance you could fix the items not listed as being available when they are?, like most of the time the preset checkout claims the item is not available but is available to buy for roubles, this problem is annoying since this makes the checkout list completely useless.

                Maybe it's because i'm using SVM to override it.

              • Dustcyber


              • Canis lupus

                u save my tarkov life better thx !

              • Maru

                I always wanted checkbox for showing only items from traders thank you.


              • jamesxiang11

                Thank you for the upgrade here. Is it possible to enable modification for equipped weapons? Think that's a new thing in 0.14


                • ChooChooAuthor

                  I'd have to look into that Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (85)


              • startanew

                This is a sick mod! Thank you!!


              • AHamSan

                Wow what an improvement! That's iteration alright!

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Let's just hope it works well for everyone Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (91)


              • dannnyboi

                Great mod. So far everything working as intended. Ty sir.


              • drippin jimmy

                hello, my game crashes whenever I try to click the mod through traders button. I got a similar message to the guy below;

                Error: Item 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad still not found in base cache after regeneration

                Error: Item 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad still not found in base cache after regeneration

                at ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23)

                at ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:83:42)

                at TraderModding.getPlayerInventory (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:112:28)

                at TraderModding.getTraderMods (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:89:40)

                at Object.action (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:23:43)

                at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)

                at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

                at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

                at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

                at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:39:39)

                Error: Item 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad still not found in base cache after regeneration

                Error: Item 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad still not found in base cache after regeneration

                at ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23)

                at ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:83:42)

                at TraderModding.getPlayerInventory (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:112:28)

                at TraderModding.getTraderMods (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:89:40)

                at Object.action (F:\SPtarkov\SPTARKOV 14\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:23:43)

                at StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63)

                at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

                at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

                at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

                at AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\snapshot\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:39:39)

                • dannnyboi

                  Dont know if this is the problem, but did you guys download "Custom Interactions". Mine works fine SO FAR.

                • drippin jimmy

                  yea i have custom interactions installed, i just don't know what's the problem though. might have to look at my other mods and see the issue

              • dcuk



                (錯誤:重新產生後,在基本快取中仍找不到項目 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad錯誤:在ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23) 和ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:110:23) 重新產生後,在基本快取中仍找不到項目 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad。ts:83:42) 在TraderModding.getPlayerInventory (D:\tov\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:112:28) 在TraderModding.getTraderMods (D:\tov\user\ mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:89:40) 在Object.action (D:\tov\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0 .0\src\mod.ts:23:23: 43) 在StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63) 在HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers \HttpRouter.ts:79:62) 在HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30) 在AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servershttpListAkiHtt :150:38) 在AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\快照\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:39:39)錯誤:重新產生後在基礎快取中仍找不到項目 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad錯誤:在ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23) 和ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:110:23) 重新產生後,在基本快取中仍找不到項目 5d24bb4886f77439c92d6bad。ts:83:42) 在TraderModding.getPlayerInventory (D:\tov\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:112:28) 在TraderModding.getTraderMods (D:\tov\user\ mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0.0\src\mod.ts:89:40) 在Object.action (D:\tov\user\mods\Wara-TraderModding-1.0 .0\src\mod.ts:23:23: 43) 在StaticRouterMod.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:47:63) 在HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers \HttpRouter.ts:79:62) 在HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30) 在AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\src\servershttpListAkiHtt :150:38) 在AkiHttpListener.handle (C:\快照\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:39:39))


              • Midnight88

                I ran into a major issue with this mod. After I installed I was no longer able to right click or double click on any guns!


                • ChooChooAuthor

                  Yeah but I changed the code a bit, did you try this one?
                  It's not just a reupload, give it a try.

                  Do you have any other mods installed that also add something to the right click menu?
                  And do you have the newest version of Custom Interactions?
                  Custom Interactions

                • Midnight88

                  Something must have went wrong on my fist download. After redownloading it works fine now thanks!!!


              • StarVox

                Woo, thank you!

                • ChooChooAuthor

                  You're welcome, was looking for that feature so long and wara seems busy, had to fix it Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (106)

                  p.s. love your mod showcases Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building - AKI Mods Workshop (107)

              • 3DonkeyKings

                // for now no barter offers. Eventually might add the option to toggle it on in the config but I don't feel like it rn

                got you and thanks for maintaining this mod, but I would appreciate if you´d find motivation for it one day, would be lovely to use this mod with barter economy, couldnt play without this mod before moving on to the hardcore/barter path..
                seems to work good enough for me though, If I go find parts I can get the barter trades to buy in

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              Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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              Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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              Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.